Flexible fees
Ferve has a capable fee engine that can charge fees in very flexible ways.
This assist clients in either decreasing the cost of ticketing, or even turning ticketing into a profit centre instead of a cost centre. It also assists in making pricing flexible for clients to help #GrowYourAudience.
Fees can be:
- Be $ or % based
- Apply to certain ticket $ price or booking $ total thresholds
- Be per ticket or per booking
- Include optional fees at checkout, for example if you want to charge an optional donation
- Be surcharged based on card scheme used for payment (Visa Credit, Visa Debit, Mastercard Credit, MasterCard Debit)
- Apply to certain start or end dates
- Apply to certain item types (event, pass, merchandise, voucher, membership or donation)
- Apply only to one or more specific items belonging to above groups
- Apply to different sales locations eg Web vs Phone vs Counter sale
- Apply to a specific venue
- Apply to certain price types
- Be capped for customers if desired
- Be based on excluding certain items, price types etc (rather than inclusion)
Credit card surcharging
Ferve Tickets can accurately determine the type of card being used and optionally apply a credit card surcharge according to the card scheme.
The legislated (AU) card schemes where regulated surcharges can apply are:
- Visa debit cards
- Visa credit cards
- MasterCard debit cards
- MasterCard credit cards
This feature is available to certain customers and requires a monthly update of the fees based on your cost of acceptance.
A specific fee can be applied to Amex or Diners cards if desired.
Passing this cost accurately on to the customer allows for a margin of around 0.9 to 1.7% to be added to your bottom line.
Optional fees
Sometimes it might be desirable to add a fee that can be optionally be removed by customers. Most customers don’t, but the few that care can remove a fee, saving time and aggravation from possible complaints.